Patrons Experiencing Homelessness (2012)
Over the course of four months in late 2012, three workshops were offered for library staff to address the issue in specific regions of the metro area and one additional program was offered on youth and homelessness. During this time, the library also increased outreach to organizations and programs addressing homelessness. At Project Homeless Connect, a biannual homeless resource event, the library provided more than 125 library cards. The library also started providing books to youth shelters.
Presentation (MLA) | Final Report
Families Affected by Incarceration (2013 & 2017)
A performance of the play Hold, based on the stories shared by women at the Hennepin County Adult Corrections Facility was performed by playwright and actor Thomasina Petrus at the Minneapolis Central Library on May 18, 2017. Separate performances were also for library staff and corrections/reentry staff. I developed the trainings and facilitated a discussion, including an overview of library service and programs at the corrections facilities. Based on evaluations completed at the end of the 2017 program, 97% of the participants indicated that the program met their expectations and 84% indicated that the program increased their awareness about incarceration. 37% recognized their bias about incarceration. 70% stated that they now have a better understanding of how incarceration impacts families and 73% wanted to advocate for families affected by incarceration.
The program also was previously offered as a staff training in October 2013.
Final Report (2013)